I got a shipment from Avery Tools that included a handy little dimple die set that uses a finish nail and a pull riveter to make dimples in really tight places. I used it to dimple some of the holes in the really tight spots on the inboard and outboard ribs. It still takes a bit of doing to get this tool in place - the nail has to be able to make the angle to go through the hole. I ground down one nail to make it easier.
I finished deburring, dimpling, and countersinking the right elevator.
I started work on the right elevators. Before too long I discovered another mispunched hole, this time on a counterbalance skin:
The corresponding hole on the other side was off as well:
I sent an email to Joe at Van's to see if they'll replace this skin. The last time this happened I simply put the rudder on hold and moved on to the next assembly. Tomorrow I'll see if I can move on to the trim tab. If not I may be stuck until the replacement arrives.
Time spent: 1.5 hours (59.5 total)
골프계 안팎에선 당시 박성현과 하나금융그룹의 계약 규모는 대략 블랙잭 15억원에서 20억원 사이 정도로 추산했다. 이 때문에 이번 솔레어 리조트 앤 카지노와의 메인 후원계약도 20억원 안팎에서 이뤄진 것으로 예상된다. 미국여자프로골프 투어 박성현이 앞으로 2년간 필리핀 기업인 솔레어 리조트 앤 카지노와 손을 잡았다. 박성현의 매니지먼트를 담당하는 세마스포츠마케팅은 7일 메인 후원 계약을 체결했다고 밝혔다.