Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fit left side HS skin

Tonight I made progress fitting the left skin of the HS to the skeleton. The main goal is to match drill the forward spar and the inboard most ribs. I started by match drilling the ribs to the spars, disassembling the pieces, deburring and removing metal chips to ensure a good fit, then reassembling the skeleton. Then I peeled back the plastic from one of the HS skins (which is from this point forward the left skin) and placed it around the skeleton. I then clecoed every other hole.

Then I flipped the part over and clecoed the other side. Here is my technical councelor checking my work:

Once I had the skin clamped down as much as I could, I marked the hole locations on the two most inboard ribs (these ribs are not prepunched), I fluted them, marked the center line, and then clamped the main rib in place to be match drilled. I then match drilled the holes in the forward spar that are not prepunched.

By the time I had finished I had no more 3/32" clecoes left. Looks like I'll be needing some more sooner than later!

Time spent: 1.5 hours (15.5 total)

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